Good afternoon friends of the Little Theatre,
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. We’re looking forward to great things in 2013 at the Little Theatre!

It’s a Wonderful Life finished out its sold-out run on Sunday. The mutli-leveled set came down after the show to makes room for the magic of Honk Jr! too appear onstage. Did you miss Wonderful Life because it was sold out? Don’t let that happen with our upcoming Winter Fundraiser, Watergate (and other Solid Gold Hits!) Tickets are now on sale but are going fast. Get yours TODAY by clicking HERE.

newest members of the Little Theatre. Our organization depends on the
generosity of these individuals/businesses to survive. If you
know anyone on the list below, please be sure to let them know that
you appreciate what they are doing for our theatre. A little thanks goes
a long way!
Lois & David Bruns |
250 |
Rick & Karen Bull |
100 |
Eva Cervantes |
50 |
Sally Junge |
25 |
Alicia Lara |
30 |
Patty & David Thayer |
50 |