The crowd is gathering, the cast is warming up, the theatre is clean and shining and the coffee is brewing. That’s right folks, it’s preview night for The Sound of Music!

Tomorrow night is Opening Night and I Have Confidence that this show is going to be awesome!

Sitting upstairs writing this, it’s fun to hear the hubbub downstairs. You can absolutely feel the excitement in the cast, in the audience, even the backstage crew. They’re absolutely ready for a great show!

If you’ve seen the Julie Andrews film, you’ve definitely seen something special. I remember how excited I was the first time I saw it. It was my birthday. It was New York City. And I was at Radio City Music Hall with my three best friends and my Mom. I kid you not. My friends and I wore our best dresses and we all took the train into the city for the movie, capped off by a performance by the Rockettes! Absolutely a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

But there’s really nothing to compare with seeing and hearing this show live onstage, right here at your San Luis Obispo Little Theatre. The beautiful voices, the exuberant young actors, the awesome set and the intimate setting make this classic musical even more special.
And you know what? The best part of it is, it doesn’t have to be “once-in-a-lifetime.”

I’m a very lucky girl that I get to sit upstairs and listen to all the sounds of the Little Theatre.
I’m even luckier that I get to go downstairs and watch the show.
Care to join me?

May 24-June 23
Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm
Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm
Directed by
Zach Johnson
Show Sponsors:
Ruth and Bob Bostrom
Ruth and Bob Bostrom
Featuring: Kerry DiMaggio as Maria and John Laird as Captain von Trapp with Ariana Shakibnia, Trevyn Wong, Mackenzie Allen, Sacha Carlson, Marisa Dinsmoor, Ella Harris and Serafina Regusci as the von Trapp children and featuring Kelly Fidopiastis, Larry Kaml, Kathryn Gucik, Paul Osborne, Janice Peters, Ayrton Parham, Danielle Dutro, Carey Blauvelt, Allison King, and Kristina Horacek
(And you’d better hurry… they’re going fast!)
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend everyone. I’ll see you at the show!