Finding Something to Do With “Spare” Time
Each month on the BLOG, we feature an interview with one of our incredible volunteers. We have dedicated volunteers who have been with us for more than 20 years and some who have given of their time for less than two months. All are deeply appreciated and deserve a moment in the spotlight!
This month’s Volunteer Spotlight features Nancy Kington.
Nancy moved to California from Indiana in the 1980’s. Her kids went to Arroyo Grande high school and she went to Cal Poly (BS Psychology and Human Development, MA Education: Guidance and Counseling). After retiring from the California Conservation Corps in 2013, she started up her own business – “Get That Job Coach“. While she has been doing this business for four years, she has over 25 years of experience in career counseling. She writes resumes, organizes job searches, assists with LinkedIn profiles, provides interview prep, and basically getting people ready to get that job! She enjoys yoga and chi-ball at Kennedy Club Fitness and sings with several community groups. With her spare time (is it really so spare?), she volunteers in the lobby at SLO REP

Volunteer Director, Lacey McNamara, asked Nancy a few questions about volunteering at SLO REP.
LM: What volunteer jobs have you had here at the Theatre?
NK: Bartending, Concessions, and Front Door. I also volunteered at the “Million Dollar Quartet” Gala this year pouring wine!

LM: How long have you been volunteering here?
NK: Since September (2018) so about…6 months now.
LM: What got you started in volunteering?
NK: I was recruited by another volunteer! I was recently single and looking for things to do when my neighbor, Sharon Porter and fellow SLO REP volunteer, recommended I get involved.
LM: What is your favorite part about volunteering?
NK: I really like meeting new people. All the other volunteers are so friendly. I also just love being around theatre. My parents played in orchestras for shows when I was growing up and, of course, my brother and I performed in shows through high school. My family was always involved in theatre and volunteering was a perfect way to get back into it.

LM: Do you volunteer at any other non-profit organizations?
NK: Not at the moment, but I sing in the community! I used to sing with Vocal Arts and have performed with the Cuesta Gilbert and Sullivan group. I now sing with the Master Chorale and Cuesta Concord Chorus. This summer, we’re traveling to England and France and will be singing on the beaches of Normandy on July 4th in memory of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. We frequently put on concerts for veterans and this will be a very special performance.
LM: Do you have any words of wisdom or a bit of advice for someone thinking about volunteering at SLO REP or tips for someone who is coming in to volunteer for the first time?
NK: There is nothing really stressful about volunteering here. There is always someone there to help you and teach you how to do things. It’s all very positive and fun!
Our volunteers are what keep SLO REP running smoothly. From painting sets to setting up the coffee bar, stuffing envelopes to organizing costumes, pouring wine and mixing martinis, the incredible volunteers who give their time to this theatre mean the world to us and to our patrons.
For more information about joining our volunteer crew, backstage or in the lobby, please visit our volunteer page, where you can find out more and sign up!