Kaza as The Drowsy Chaperone, 2016
From kindergarten teacher to SLO REP volunteer, she’s anything but drowsy…
Each month on the BLOG, we feature an interview with one of our incredible volunteers. We have dedicated volunteers who have been with us for more than 20 years and some who have given of their time for less than two months. All are deeply appreciated and deserve a moment in the spotlight!

Rehearsals for A Chorus Line, 2014
This month’s Volunteer Spotlight features Karen “Kaza” Kahn. Kaza has been performing on the Central Coast nearly her entire life. She trained as a dancer under the direction of Lorilee Silvaggio with The Civic Ballet and San Luis Jazz and studied voice at Cal Poly with Dr. Tom Davies. Performing with SLO REP, Sorcerer Productions, The Great American Melodrama, and Chameleon Productions, some of her favorite roles have included Anita in West Side Story, Charity in Sweet Charity, Sheila in A Chorus Line, and the Chaperone in The Drowsy Chaperone.

Sheila in A Chorus Line, 2014
Volunteer Director, Lacey McNamara, asked Kaza a few questions about volunteering at SLO REP:
LM: What volunteer jobs have you had here at the Theatre?
KK: Actor and now bartender.
LM: How long have you been volunteering here?
KK: Oh wow…I got a part in a show WAAAAY back… I’ve been volunteering for 20 years now!
LM: What got you started in volunteering?

With Zach Johnson in I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, 2008
KK: It’s a looooong story, but I was finishing college and just had to keep going with performing. I saw an ad for auditions for “Anything Goes” at SLO Little Theatre and I got a part! I just kept coming back show after show. And then when my kid got cast in Annie, I thought I should help out in the lobby, since I was going to be at the theatre anyway, and signed up to start bartending.
LM: What is your favorite part about volunteering?
KK: I really and truly love being a part of this family. It really becomes your family when you’re in a show.

Sweet Charity, 2002
LM: Do you volunteer at any other non-profit organizations?
KK: I’m the Theatre Consultant for CYT (Coastal Youth Theatre) and a volunteer for Camp Fire.
LM: Do you have any words of wisdom or a bit of advice for someone thinking about volunteering at SLO REP or tips for someone who is coming in to volunteer for the first time?

Sweet Charity, 2002
KK: This is a very welcoming community – it’s easy to get and stay involved. It’s been an honor to be a part of this organization for so many years and to watch it evolve!
Thank you so much for your time and your giving spirit, Kaza! Our volunteers are what keep SLO REP running smoothly. From painting sets to setting up the coffee bar, stuffing envelopes to organizing costumes, pouring wine and mixing martinis, the incredible volunteers who give their time to this theatre mean the world to us and to our patrons.
For more information about joining our volunteer crew, backstage or in the lobby, please visit our volunteer page, where you can find out more and sign up!