On this delightfully rainy day here in SLO, I hope you’re snuggled up somewhere warm enjoying the sound and the feel of our much-needed storm. I kind of wish I were home in front of a wood-burning stove, but I’m pretty content upstairs here at the theatre enjoying our beautiful rainy day. And forgive me for going all 1970’s on you, but the weather reminded me of that song by Gordon Lightfoot. You know… Rainy Day People? And then the song got me thinking about how some people really do just seem to KNOW when you NEED something, and then they just go ahead and fill that need.

We just got a new bike rack here at the theatre. Donated to the City of San Luis Obispo by Coastal Anesthesiology Medical Associates and specifically requested for our location. Our amazingly talented Dave Linfield prepped the space, poured the concrete and laid the stone, and city workers installed the bike rack. We’ve had bikes parked there all week! Not today, of course – it’s raining. But we needed it and somebody donated it. Rainy Day people…they DO seem to know, don’t they?

And then there’s our bench. That was a different kind of “Rainy Day” gift. Ray and Jaime Hatler were dedicated Little Theatre fans for many years, enjoying shows, volunteering their time and generally doing their part to keep this place running. They’ve both passed away now, but we remember them every single day when we pass this bench. You see, Ray and Jaime left a generous portion of their estate to the Little Theatre when they passed away. Their “rainy day” gift became a badly needed new air conditioning and heating system as well as contributing to a very special “Rainy Day” fund that will help to ensure a legacy of live, local theatre for many years to come.

Last year, our board of directors made a donation to the City of San Luis Obispo to have this bench installed outside the theatre. Just a small token of appreciation for a very generous gift, but one which ensures that Ray and Jaime will remain in our hearts and minds for many years to come. Rainy Day People Always Seem to Know…
And then there’s the more practical “Rainy Day” gift. Right about this time last year, Jill Turnbow made sure we got a new copier. This one goes really, really fast and prints on both sides! It’s turned hours and hours of copying into… well…into LESS hours and hours of copying! Thanks again, Jill. How’d you know?
I could go on forever
singing the praises of hundreds, if not thousands, of very special “Rainy Day” people who have helped to ensure the future of the Little Theatre over the past 67 years…but I won’t. It would take me several rainy days to list them all! However, you can take a look right
HERE at the list of over
200 generous donors who have made our 2013-14 Season possible with their support. Thank you, you wonderful “Rainy Day” people, you!
Would you like to be a “Rainy Day” person? Well, you can start by buying a ticket to our very special winter fundraiser
SOME ENCHANTED EVENING: THE SONGS OF RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN. You’ll not only have a wonderful time hearing over 30 of your favorite R & H tunes beautifully sung by our talented cast, but your ticket purchase will help to ensure that the show goes on, right here at the Little Theatre, for many years to come. Come rain or come shine.
CLICK HERE to see Gordon Lightfoot sing the song that was on my mind today.
Enjoy your rainy day and the green hills that will soon follow. And remember…there’s no better way to spend a rainy day than seeing a fabulous, live, musical show right here at the Little Theatre. Here’s hoping it rains all weekend.
P.S. And don’t forget…
Friday, February 28 @ 10:30 pm
Immediately following Friday’s performance of…
Why not make a night of it?