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Register now for Spring Classes! Introduce your child to the world of theatre!

Our Academy of Creative Theatre spring classes begin next
week. There’s still time to to enroll your young actor into one of our great
One of the classes that we’re most excited about is IMPROV,
taught by Lester Wilson.
When it comes to theatre, improvisation is the art of acting
without a prepared script. This class will focus on fun, physical, and
inspiring improvisational exercises designed to help the young actor react
truthfully onstage.  Taught by long-time improviser and actor Lester
Wilson, this is a wonderful class for the creative kid in your family. We’ll be
working on our feet, so get ready to have a whole lot of fun!
To check out all of our Spring Classes (or to
reserve your space instantly online), click HERE.
Have a great Friday, everyone!