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Take a trip through time with Ubu’s Other Shoe PLUS here’s an update on Costume Capers!

When the Rain

Danielle Dutro McNamara Photography

Take a trip through time this weekend with our fourth Ubu’s Other Shoe Staged Reading of the Season! When the Rain Stops Falling by Andrew Bovell is a “trip” of a show that moves from one generation to another, from 1959 to 2039, from London to Australia, with four generations of fathers and sons, their mothers, lovers and wives.

As director Rosh Wright says in her Director’s Notes for the show:
“It has tested my mettle as it spans, non-sequentially, eight decades, four generations and two continents. And it will test yours, but I invite you to stay focused and enjoy the ride!”

When the Rain2

Danielle Dutro McNamara Photography

Alice Springs, Australia in the year 2039. A fish falls from the sky and lands at the feet of Gabriel York. And it still smells of the sea. It’s been raining for days and Gabriel knows something is wrong. Fifty years earlier his grandfather, Henry Law, predicts that fish will fall from the sky heralding a great flood which will end life on earth as we know it. In an intricate, multi-layered story, When the Rain Stops Falling explores patterns of betrayal, abandonment, destruction, forgiveness and love. This powerful drama unfolds with humanity, surprising humor and hope, as the past plays out into the future.

The theatre lobby and bar open tonight at 6 pm and the staged reading of When the Rain Stops Falling will begin at 7 pm. There will be a talk-back with the cast and the director after tonight’s performance. All seats are $12. If you can’t make it tonight, there are two more performances on Saturday, at 2 pm and 7 pm. The best seats go fast, so get your tickets online today. Don’t miss this puzzle of a show featuring the talents of Stuart Wenger, Kathleen York, Katie Gucik, Gregory Gorrindo, Jean Miller, Sara Jane Katen, Frank Moe, Gregg Wolff, Alex Wilcox and Jo Jackson.

Costume Capers

David Middlecamp Photo

The news is out and the news is GOOD!  

A couple of weeks ago, the Little Theatre Board of Directors approved a plan for us to purchase the complete inventory of over 5,000 costumes created and cared for by Costume Capers’ owners Keith Wetzel and Debi Hernandez. That expense was definitely NOT in our budget for this year, but we decided to take the leap, use some of our cash reserves and put out the call for help from the community to cover the expense. It was an opportunity that could not, and should not, be passed up!

Since we released the news two weeks ago, we have secured an affordable space to house the costumes out at Camp San Luis Obispo and we have calendared the move for the week of December 6-10. Technical Director Dave Linfield has created some preliminary designs for the shop (very exciting to see!)  and we’ve also gotten a good bit of media coverage, including stories in The Tribune and on KCBX Public Radio.

CostumesThanksAnd guess what else? Our wonderful community has responded with their generous support!  We’ve already received almost 20{efcf22502b1e74b0202af948281d54f129dde7dacd2c3f6ff4c98fe998904ac4} of the needed funds. That’s pretty incredible for just two weeks time! If you’d like to join our generous team of “Costume Angels” and make a tax-deductible donation in support of our continuing “Costume Capers”, it’s not too late! Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated and will be listed in a special section in our playbill throughout the 2015-2016 Season. You can make your donation ONLINE or send your check made payable to SLO Little Theatre to PO Box 122, SLO, 93406. (Please write “Costumes” on the memo line.)

We’ll keep you posted with the latest news on the collection as we make the move and begin cataloging, using and sharing this incredible resource. With this amazingly diverse costume inventory we will not only enhance our own shows, but we will continue to provide costuming for all of the local performing arts organizations supported by Keith and Debi since 1985.

